Saturday, 17 November 2012

Traction Alopecia

Traction Alopecia is a condition that causes hair loss this is caused by excessive pulling and tension on the hair and scalp. If the problem is not addressed it can lead to irreversible hair loss.
This is a preventable condition if you look after your hair and scalp properly and follow these tips;

  • Avoid: Wearing very tight hair styles such as ponytails , cornrows and tight braids can cause damage over time by the constant tension  and tugging that is put on the hair and scalp. If it feels too tight or uncomfortable this could lead  the development Traction Alopeica.
  • Avoid using hair extensions, this leads to pulling of the hair due to the weight of the extensions, These extensions if applied with glue are removed with acetone!  This not only will damage your hair but can also damage the follicle .
  • Avoid regularly colouring your hair, the reason being that the chemicals used will dry out your hair leaving it dry and brittle and prone to breakage. For example if you were to bleach your hair and add in extensions with glue your hair and scalp will have more stress put upon it, this could lead to unwanted bald spots on your scalp.

The best thing for your hair and scalp is to just learn to love your hair as it is. This will give your hair a chance to recover and repair itself. So no bleaching , use of heat tools or extensions are needed. The less you do to your hair the longer your hair will be in the end ,and the less chance of permanent hair loss.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

What is Isopropyl Alcohol?

Isopropyl alcohol is a solvent. It is also a denaturant that changes another substances natural quality. It is a petroleum -based substance.

Isopropyl alcohol has a powerful drying affect on the hair and skin. In some cases it can cause
the hair to become brittle and split. Isopropyl alcochol is used in hair products (such as hair
spray) to increase the absorption of other ingredients into the hair follicles. This ingredient mainly is found in hair dyes and rinses.

Moisturising shampoos and products may also contain Isopropyl alcohol to aid the absorption of the conditioning ingredients, which can make your hair dryer than it was before due to the alcohol content.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Brazilian Blow Out and the dangers of Formaldehyde

So what is a Brazilian Blowout? And why is it bad for you? This is a process straightening the hair using chemicals, this product claims to protect the hair by adding a protective protein layer round the hair shaft resulting in smooth straight glossy hair . Sounds great doesn't it? The problem with the product is that it contains dangerously high levels of Formaldehyde.

This is a known carcinogen. Customers and Hairdressers have suffered a number of reactions, these include eye and nervous system disorders, chest pains, vomiting, rashes and respiratory problems. Australia, Canada, Ireland, France, and Germany have banned the Brazilian Blowout due to Formaldehyde.

The scary thing is that Formaldehyde is used under different names for example. When Methylene glycol is heated up it produces Formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde can also be found in shampoos under the ingredient name called Quaternium-15. This is a preservative that kills bacteria by releasing Formaldehyde. Both of these chemicals can cause rashes and potent allergens to the human body. Formaldehyde is also found in other beauty products particularly nails varnishes and nail hardeners.